The next prompt, this time is for Novembre. We’re gonna have a pretty standard month, though I’d encourage everyone to include some reference to maybe sorrow or to glory, as this is a heavy month given the main holiday that takes place.
Here’s the prompts for this month.
Warrior Wednesday Prompt:
The tale must involve battle and maybe reference to a great clash in the past
Use the opportunity to build up your lore
Story must be between 9,000 & 12,000 words long
Sword & Saturday Prompt:
8,000 words long
I’d like to see a clash with some great beast of some sort, you decide
Also it’d be nice to have a dame get rescued this month
3 pages long
Tell us your thoughts on the great heroes of the genre such as Aragorn, Conan and even some historic ones if you like
1 drawing involving our hero pushing back ungodly hordes if you will
Or it can be inspired by one of the tales one of us crazy writers have written
And that’s all so get cracking folks! It’s due on the 24th.
I am interested, but I don't understand how this works. I've seen the weekly posts - do you post what gets sent to you weekly, or are you collecting stories for the entire month and then will post them at the end of the month or scattered weekly throughout December?
Joan The Maid… LEGEND!